"Tidal Pull"

"Tidal Pull" is one of 3 elements for the sculpture garden we have created at Heisler Park in Laguna Beach, CA. 4 "Tidal Pull" mosaics are placed through out the walkways of the park. The mosaic features the giant kelp which in recent years has come back thriving in Laguna's ocean through the city and state's effort to restore the eco system. The mosaics consist of kelp which is made of high fired clay, bronze fishes and schools of small stainless steel fishes, creating visual movement of our ocean.
In 2013 we were awarded "Artist of the Year" by the Laguna Beach Alliance for the Arts for our installation of the sculpture garden in Heisler Park and in 2014 we received Laguna Beach Beautification Award for this project.
This project was commissioned by the city of Laguna Beach.